to the web work

Premiere: Vivian Selbo and Carl Skelton's digital assemblage of


Vivian Selbo and Carl Skelton's richly crafted web work, “Before & After Geography”, is based on choreographer Ralph Lemon's travel journals, rehearsal notes, documentation videos, and photographs surrounding the creation and performance of Tree: Part 2 of the Geography Trilogy during the 2000 Next Wave Festival at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.

Selbo and Skelton's complex assemblage of images, video, sound, animation and text propose a compelling model for how the stage and Internet might dialogue with one another; offering up alternative themes and questions the performance does not or can not address.

If you see and hear both animations below, view the web work now.

No animation above left and no sound?
Install ShockwaveFlash download ShockwaveFlash plug-in

No animation above right? Install Quicktime download Quicktime plug-in

This project has been made for version 4 browsers.
See Tree onstage at BAM Oct 24, 26-28 at 7:30pm